Tips on effective implementation of a data driven marketing strategy

  1. How to get more out of your email Campaign,
    59% of B2B marketers say email is their most effective channel in terms of revenue generation.
    a) A/B test subject lines.
    b) Make sure emails are responsive.
    c) Optimize images.
    d) Add alt tags to all images.
    e) Refine and implement a pre-header.
    f) Structure your code properly, otherwise your emails wont work on all mail clients and get blocked in spam filters.
  2. Ensure you have robust control groups – it’s a waste if you can’t draw any conclusions from results.
  3. Test one thing at a time – if you test too many variables you won’t know what influenced the results.
  4. Don’t be afraid to try something totally different – you will be surprised by how often something that goes against traditional ways of engaging with customers works.
  5. Come up with solid hypothesis, test it, and iterate. It’s all about being agile.